The grand UK tour
Eyal made a grand tour of the UK, including participating in the PopGroup meeting in Sheffield and visiting Adria LeBoeuf in Cambridge, presenting our recent findings of the social chromosome…
Eyal made a grand tour of the UK, including participating in the PopGroup meeting in Sheffield and visiting Adria LeBoeuf in Cambridge, presenting our recent findings of the social chromosome…
We're excited to send out this preprint of our paper on the social chromosome of Cataglphis niger! Our key result is the homology of the Cataglyphis social chromosome to the Solenopsis…
Ready for the next level in computation? Hive2 is finally here! It was a long and difficult process with many obstacles and delays, in which Eyal was involved as the…
We got some amazing denovo genome assemblies of Pogonomyrmex barbatus! They were done as part of our collaboration with Deborah Gordon's lab. These super-high-quality, near-chromosome-level assemblies will hopefully improve the performance…
We had a super busy trip to America! Aparna and Eyal represented the lab in the Cold Spring Harbor Lab meeting on Biology and Genomics of Social Insects. It was…
We concluded our latest installment of the Haifa winter workshop in genomics and bioinformatics - the 9th actually! (see more info about the workshops under teaching) As always, the workshop…
Max has some preliminary results from training a machine learning model (deep network) to identify and track ants in videos with multiple ants. You can see that it's pretty good…
After considerable delays.... Hive2, the new computer cluster for our Faculty, finally arrived on campus today. It was assembled by Matrix at their facility, now it will be installed here,…
Now this event was truly something else! We travelled all the way down to Avdat in the Negev highlands to celebrate the planting of a new ancient vineyard. The grapes…
We had two PhD proposal presentations in the departmental student forum today! Yoann presented his project titled: "Exploiting the evolution of odorant receptors in ants to decipher the olfactory code"…