Aparna just finished constructing RADseq libraries for her project on social polymorphism in Cataglyphis niger, and shipped them for sequencing. She broke the lab record for the largest number of libraries in a population genomics project – about 800 libraries! The previous record was made by Shani, who built 300 whole-genome libraries for her project on GWAS of CHC variation among colonies. Aparna pooled her 800 libraries into a single tube that will be sequenced on a whole flowcell (8 lanes) of a HiSeq X sequencer. We’re aiming for more than 3 billion pairs of reads, which should give us an average of 20X sequencing depth per sample.

We also got the Hive report for CPU usage in 2020 – Pnina was the top user (by a big margin). She used 149,961 CPU hours in total.