BSF grant to study genome evolution
We won a BSF grant together with Jessica Purcell and Alan Brelsford from UC Riverside, and also in collaboration with the GAGA consortium. In this four-year project we will construct…
We won a BSF grant together with Jessica Purcell and Alan Brelsford from UC Riverside, and also in collaboration with the GAGA consortium. In this four-year project we will construct…
איל התרייאן בלונדון את קירשנבאום על מחקר שהראה שנמלים אפריקאיות שמתמחות בצייד טרמיטים מפנות את הפצועות משדה הקרב ומעניקות להן טיפול מציל חיים
Rana and Pnina received their M.Sc. diplomas! Pnina is already on track for her direct Ph.D. and Rana will hopefully also come back soon to continue her studies
A big day for the lab! We got the sequencing results for the first RADseq (Restriction-site Associated DNA sequencing) library, and they look great! Shani built this library from 117…
Gratulations Tal on the best poster prize in the meeting of the Zoological Society of Israel!
Hive computer clsuter Our group runs intensive computational analyses on Hive - the computer cluster of the Faculty of Natural Sciences. See some of our high-throughput computational analyses featured on…
We attended two insect/social-insect conferences this summer: the meeting of the European Sections of the IUSSI in Helsinki and the American IUSSI satellite meeting of the huge ICE 2016 in…
Eyal gave a talk in the Nola Socks pub on "The paradox of the evolution of altruism", from Darwin's ants to our genomic age research of the molecular basis of…
איל יתן מחר הרצאת מדע-על-הבר בנושא ״פרדוקס האבולוציה של אלטרואיזם״ בפאב נולה סוקס
This was it! after several failed attempts we came back to the Dead Sea with full intent not to let those difficult Camponotus cericeus ants delay the progress of science…