Conference season
This year, Eyal and Pnina represented the lab in SMBE and ESEB. Pnina presented a poster on her mutation rate study and Eyal gave a talk on the Solenopsis positive…
This year, Eyal and Pnina represented the lab in SMBE and ESEB. Pnina presented a poster on her mutation rate study and Eyal gave a talk on the Solenopsis positive…
Our paper is online at Scientific Reports! This was a collaboration led by Tali Reiner Brodetzki and Abraham Hefetz (TAU) to resolve species delimitation in the Cataglyphis niger complex.…
Pnina's paper was published in BMC Evolutionary Biology! This is a demographic history study that developed from our collaboration with DeWayne Shoemaker. Pnina used a large dataset of RADseq…
Tal's paper was published in Scientific Reports! We evaluated the benefit of using a haploid sample in a denovo genome sequencing project. We saw that the scaffolds assembled from…
On the first really hot day of spring Camponotus have their mating flights. Today we collected C. fellah from the population that lives on campus in the Weizmann Institute (because…
We kick started our joint BSF project on genome evolution in ants. Jessica Purcell and Alan Brelsford visited us in Haifa and we started to outline the four year project…
איל נתן הרצאה על ״פרדוקס האבולוציה של אלטרואיזם״ במועדון של קיבוץ מעברות
Our workshop on "Omics for environmental and host-associated microbiomes" was a smashing success (see the program). With more than 40 participants we could not find one who was not excited…
Shani found an interesting link between the level of aggression between workers from different monogyne Cataglyphis niger colonies and whether or not sexuals (gynes or drones) were present in the…
איל ידבר על ״פרדוקס האבולוציה של אלטרואיזם״ במסגרת סדרת ההרצאות ״מדע על ההר״, המיועדות לקהל הרחב