Isaeli conference season
Our lab participated in the meeting of the Israel Zoological Society (in Jerusalem) and the first ever meeting of the Israeli Society of Evolutionary Biology (ISEB 2019, in Tel Aviv).…
Our lab participated in the meeting of the Israel Zoological Society (in Jerusalem) and the first ever meeting of the Israeli Society of Evolutionary Biology (ISEB 2019, in Tel Aviv).…
We finally have the results from our genomic mapping of cuticular hydrocarbons (CHC) in Cataglyphis niger, which are known to be the chemical cues used by the ants to recognize…
איל סיפר על הנמלים שחיו שנים בבונקר גרעיני נטוש עד שבאו חוקרים פולנים והצילו אותן, וגם חשפו את סודן האפל. ראיון בתוכנית שלושה שיודעים ברדיו כאן תרבות עוד פרטים…
Our paper is online at Ecology and Evolution! This study was the Ph.D. project of Viet-Dai Dang, at the lab of John Wang. Dai carried out very challenging RNA-seq analyses…
Eyal is busy nowadays writing the next ISF grant for continued genomic work in the Cataglyphis social polymorphism system, and the lab is very busy with new projects and revisions…
This year, Eyal and Pnina represented the lab in SMBE and ESEB. Pnina presented a poster on her mutation rate study and Eyal gave a talk on the Solenopsis positive…
Our paper is online at Scientific Reports! This was a collaboration led by Tali Reiner Brodetzki and Abraham Hefetz (TAU) to resolve species delimitation in the Cataglyphis niger complex.…
Pnina's paper was published in BMC Evolutionary Biology! This is a demographic history study that developed from our collaboration with DeWayne Shoemaker. Pnina used a large dataset of RADseq…
Tal's paper was published in Scientific Reports! We evaluated the benefit of using a haploid sample in a denovo genome sequencing project. We saw that the scaffolds assembled from…
On the first really hot day of spring Camponotus have their mating flights. Today we collected C. fellah from the population that lives on campus in the Weizmann Institute (because…